45 Minutes

Did you know:

  • that we are getting to a point where the antibiotics that we have will no longer be as effective?
  • that super bugs, which were mainly found in hospital environments, are now being seen in day-to-day primary practices.
  • that the most common condition which antibiotics are prescribed for, is RTIs (Respiratory tract infections)

Our team acknowledges that there is indeed a time and place for antibiotics and we cannot live without them, however there is a huge concern of overprescription.
In this podcast, we unpack antibiotic resistance, the reasons why antibiotics are being overprescribed and that there is a role we can play to become part of the solution, but we need to act now, act fast and educate others.

We explain why A.Vogel Echinaforce is the go-to for RTIs (used preventatively and as well as for treatment) and discuss the incredible research and stats behind this product from nature!

One can understand why it is sold in over 25 countries in the world!

An eye opener of a podcast indeed!

  Read the article here: Are you misusing antibiotics?