It is not possible to improve the quality of food by exposing it to a process. There is no process that can add life to anything; only processes to take life out of things. The procedure of refining and processing food changes the balance of nutrients, and thereby compromises its nutritional value.
The LIVING NATURALLY BACK TO GOOD HEALTH DIET should be seen as a lifestyle based on the principles and teachings of Swiss naturopath, Alfred Vogel (1902-1996).
May it improve the quality of your life!
The Back to Good Health Diet
The following recommended diet is intended only as a guideline. Learn to listen to your body’s response to the different foods you eat and develop your own healthy nutritional plan.
What is an ideal breakfast?
This meal sets the scene for your day. A balanced breakfast of protein, carbohydrates and fruits or vegetables, ensures a controlled blood sugar level which is essential for concentration and sustained energy levels. In moderation, choose from (or one of) the following:
Fruit in season
Cut and serve immediately either on its own or with some unflavoured yoghurt and maybe a drizzle of honey.
This is an all-time favourite and generations have grown up on there daily bowl of porridge made from and of the following:
- Rolled oats
- Mealie meal
- Maltabella
- Millet.
Cook for a minimum of 30 minutes in a stainless-steel pot in filtered water to which a pinch of natural sea salt has been added.
Flavour porridge with:
- Raw honey or coconut sugar
- Chopped dates
- Ground almonds, sesame, linseeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds
- Unsalted butter.
Seed loaf/ryebread
A slice of heavy seed loaf or rye bread toasted or fresh with:
- Avocado pear
- Baked Beans
- Cottage or feta cheese
- Tomato, lettuce, cucumber, etc.
- Marmite
- Honey
- Sugar free nut butter.
Boiled, free range, hormone-free egg
Once or twice per week with maybe a slice of toast as above.
Steamed fish
Serve with fresh lemon juice and butter, a slice of toast and your favourite topping.
Note: As sources of protein for growing children, sportspeople, pregnant and lactating mothers a good soya or whey protein drink is advised. Instead of using milk, milk alternatives can be used. See list for milk alternatives.
Homemade Raw Muesli
Comprising of:
- Oats
- Barley
- Millet
- Dried fruit
- Raw seeds and nuts
Served with natural live cultured yoghurt or your favourite milk alternative, honey and fresh fruit.
Bircher Muesli Recipe:
- 2 cups (150g) premixed raw muesli*
- 420ml milk or milk alternative
- 60ml apple juice
- 3 tablespoons lemon juice
- 1 apple cored and grated with the peel
- 1-2 tablespoons raw honey – optional
- 375g grams plain yoghurt
- A dash of cinnamon (optional)
- Fresh fruit in season (strawberries, blueberries etc)
Method: Mix well, cover and place in the fridge overnight. Before serving add mixed nuts and seeds (pumpkin, flaxseed, sesame & sunflower and additional raw honey if desired)
*Raw muesli is a mixture of raw rolled oats, barley, rye and/or spelt.
What is an ideal lunch?
At work or for students: Organic raw baby carrots, celery, tomatoes, olives and cucumber eaten on its own or dipped in humus or cottage cheese.
Seed loaf
- A slice of heavy seed loaf or pure rye bread filled with:
- Fresh raw salad
- Free range, hormone-free chicken or turkey
- Feta cheese and olives
- Soya protein
- Fish and tomato and lettuce
To snack after lunch: Selection of fresh seasonal fruits and raw nuts.
Lunch at home
Homemade vegetable soup
Made with the vegetables add in lentils, beans, barley, split peas and A.Vogel Herbamare Bouillon cubes or paste. Best is to start this early so that it will be rich and creamy and delicious by lunchtime. Add in chicken or beef should you wish to have extra protein in the soup.
Flavour with A.Vogel Herbamare, Trocomare or Kelpamare and a nice dollop of unsalted butter.
Baked potato/sweet potato/butternut
Either a baked potato, sweet potato or butternut served with fresh raw salad and feta cheese.
Salad dressing
- Cold pressed olive or sesame oil
- A.Vogel Molkosan
- Garlic
- Trocomare, Kelpamare or Herbamare to taste
Steamed/grilled fish or chicken
Served with unsalted butter and fresh lemon juice, raw green salad, and steamed seasonal vegetables
What is an ideal dinner?
Dinner is always best eaten before sunset, seated at a table. Avoid eating in front of the television or any other electronic device that will take away the gift and pleasure of enjoying a great meal!
Choose from:
- Free range lamb – baked, grilled, stewed
- Free range, hormone free chicken – baked, grilled, stewed
- Fresh or frozen fish – baked, steamed, grilled
And serve with:
- Fresh selection of raw, steamed or baked vegetables.
- Brown rice
- Lentils
- Chickpeas
- Couscous
- Dried beans
- or a baked potato or sweet potato if you have not had any for lunch.
Homemade vegetable soup
Made with barley, lentils and beans. Served with a slice of heavy seed loaf or rye bread and unsalted butter.
Baked vegetables served with brown rice.
Wholegrain pasta
Wholegrain pasta served with vegetable sauce or add meat should you wish to.
Note: Always eat three hours before going to bed to allow for good digestion and prevention of digestive problems. When eating out, rather choose dishes which are prepared fresh instead of food which was prepared and frozen and reheated. Be selective of your choice of hotel or restaurant to ensure fresh, safe food.
- Always choose water first
- Drink 6 – 8 glasses of filtered water a day
- Prepare your own fresh vegetable and fruit juices
- Choose herbal teas instead of black tea or Ceylon tea.
- Coffee, the most consumed beverage on earth! Rather have the best freshest Espresso or brewed coffee, instead of instant coffee. You will be surprised at what a coffee bean has to endure to remove the caffeine, might be better for you to have the real thing than all the chemicals that come with a decaf cup.
- A.Vogel Bambu – a delicious and creamy coffee alternative and as a matter of interest, the very first product Dr Alfred Vogel formulated in his life.
Tip: Add A.Vogel Bambu to your desserts or baking instead of coffee or cocoa for a delicious flavour.
What is an ideal snack between meals?
- Popcorn, flavoured with A.Vogel Herbamare
- Unsulphured dried fruits
- Raw nuts
- Homemade biscuits and rusks made from wholesome ingredients
- Raw vegetables
- Fresh seasonal fruits
- Biltong sticks or slices from a reputable source
What are ideal seasonings?
- Fresh or dried herbs and spices without added colourants flavourants and MSG.
- A.Vogel Herbamare Bouillon vegetable stock.
- A.Vogel Trocomare, Herbamare and Kelpamare during cooking and at the table. These seasonings are not just delicious; they also provide traces of minerals and other useful nutrients without any harmful colourants, flavourings, preservatives and no MSG!
- Fresh herbs, garlic and ginger always enhance the flavours in a salad, soup or stew. Unsalted butter brings out the flavour in food.
Foods that are best avoided
- Hard cheeses
- Sugar (brown, treacle or white…. organic or not!) and artificial sweeteners
- Excess salt
- Reheated foods
- Processed meats
- Preservatives, additives, colourants and flavouring
- Fried and oily foods
- E.g.: chips, fried chicken, deep fried foods
Good fats and oils to be used when cooking and seasoning
- Coconut Oil
- Olive Oil
- Peanut Oil
- Sesame Oil
- Avocado Oil
- Grapeseed Oil
Milk Alternatives
- Coconut milk
- Almond milk
- Rice milk
- Oat milk
- Soya milk
- Macadamia milk
- Hazelnut milk